Q&A: How to respond when a retail buyer asks for pricing at a trade show before I have all the info?
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Q&A: How to respond when a retail buyer asks for pricing at a trade show before I have all the info?

A by EMILY: You don’t want to turn off a potential buyer by telling them no and you don’t want to inhibit your potential success by providing a price that is too high or too low. Below are 3 simple ways to navigate the question of cost. 1. TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT It is…

Why Are These Identical Products Priced Differently?!
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Why Are These Identical Products Priced Differently?!

What is the difference between these 2 products I just purchased on Amazon? Both bottles of 16.9 oz of #drinkingwater are from well known #brands like Nestlé & VOSS Artesian. Both are in plastic bottles & sold all over the world… but have you noticed the price difference? The #Nestle x 24 pack is $9 and the #VOSSwater x 24 pack is $30. Why? What…

What Should You Say When Your Retail Buyer Asks Your For Price In A Sales Meeting?
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What Should You Say When Your Retail Buyer Asks Your For Price In A Sales Meeting?

What Should You Say When Your Retail Buyer Asks You For A Price In A Tradeshow? Look, it can be off putting when a person cuts to the chase and asks for price? Especially since you normally need more information to give them an accurate quote. What if you say a price that is too…