It Takes So Much More Than It Looks To Get Your Business & Life Going!

It Takes So Much More Than It Looks To Get Your Business & Life Going!

It’s Friday, and I was remembering when I couldn’t take a break on a Friday and I had to keep working. And in those days, I would work at Starbucks from 9:00 in the morning until 10:00 o’clock at night when it closed. The reason I had to work so much was that I actually…

Q+A: What do I do?! I am Dissatisfied with Where My Business Is!
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Q+A: What do I do?! I am Dissatisfied with Where My Business Is!

When you’re dissatisfied with where you are in your business – here is my advice about what to do! There are 3 things immediately you can do to think differently about your business that will help you as you grow. There is a common trend amongst entrepreneurs that I talk to… they feel frustrated that…