I imagine that Tim Bush, like me, actually enjoys spending a Saturday walking the crowded isles of Costco because he LOVE’S big box stores and the strategy behind getting a product selling on the shelf. Just as much as I love packaging.On The Shelf Podcast with Tim Bush – Packaging For Big Box Store
You can hear our enthusiasm for the PHILOSOPHY of packaging spark during our conversation on Tim’s podcast: “ON THE SHELF: How To Get Your Products Into Big Box Retail.”
This interview is titled: Ep. 136 – The Heart And Soul Of Packaging with Emily Page because we talk about the high-level elements that determine sales success of a product.
I believe packaging is a part of your product the way your skin is a part of your body. They cannot be truly separated — we try to understand and separate them with definitions and words, but in reality their relationship is symbiotic, dependent and supportive of each other. Just like “Heart and Soul” … “Bone Marrow”…
“Packaging defines a product.” – Emily Page
So if you want to sell a product, you must start with a packaging sales strategy.
If you want a high level, passionate conversation about what packaging strategies you can implement today in your packaging to sell in big box stores, take a listen:
Ep. 136 – The Heart And Soul Of Packaging with Emily Page
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